Between 2022 and 2023, Tzorg, Axxicom Thuishulp and Cordaan Thuisdiensten, together with the municipalities of Amsterdam and The Hague and The Hague University of Applied Sciences, have conducted research into whether it is useful to use robot vacuum cleaners for people who receive help at home. The research shows that both the people who receive help and the home helpers are happy with the robot vacuum cleaner. Almost 80% of the people who receive help also use the robot vacuum cleaner themselves between cleanings. Home helpers indicated that they had more time to do extra cleaning or other tasks.
During the study, people who receive help with the household - as part of the Social Support Act (Wmo) - were given a robot vacuum cleaner for nine months. A total of 116 people participated in the study. Of the people who participated, 77% used the robot vacuum until the end of the study. 83 home helpers also participated in the study.
The central question of the research was whether robot vacuum cleaners can be useful for both people who receive help at home and home helpers, and what the conditions are for using them properly. It has also been investigated whether home helpers can save time with this. It has also been discovered for which people the use of robot vacuum cleaners is useful.
Main findings
The results show that it is safe and effective to use the robot vacuum cleaners as part of household help. When using robot vacuum cleaners, the tasks shift, with preparations for the robot vacuum cleaner being made and home helpers having more time for extra tasks that are normally left behind. Because there is not enough concrete data about how much time is saved, no definitive conclusions can be drawn about the possible time savings through the use of robot vacuum cleaners. The physical tasks remain the same or are perceived as less demanding by the home helpers. In addition to the robot vacuum cleaner, the use of a regular vacuum cleaner remains necessary. Some home helpers notice that some people's houses are less dirty because the robot vacuum cleaner has been used between cleanings. In some households, the robot vacuum cleaner makes a positive contribution to keeping the home clean.
The robot vacuum cleaner is not for everyone and is a good solution in every situation. Therefore, it must be carefully examined for each person whether the situation is suitable for a robot vacuum cleaner. There are a number of clear factors that play a role in this. These factors include the motivation of the person, the living situation, the state of mind, the medical situation and the support of the social network. Knowledge and motivation are important aspects for the home helpers. Based on the research, it seems worthwhile to add the robot vacuum cleaner as an option to the range of household help.
Want to know more?
Article in Geron, magazine about aging in a changing society
Parties behind this research
- Living Lab Social Domain and Technology (The Hague University of Applied Sciences and the Municipality of The Hague)
- Municipality of Amsterdam
- Tcare
- Axxicom Home Help
- Cordaan Home Services

Ilse Lelieveld
Director Living Lab Social Domain and Technology