Gomer is my name, I am 35 years old and have been deaf since I was 2 years old. Throughout my life I have been intensively involved with sign language and deaf culture and I encounter deaf friends on an almost daily basis. In addition, I often travel in the Netherlands, we use Dutch Sign Language, but abroad International Signs.
I use different tools at home and outside. If someone rings the doorbell, I will receive a notification on my phone via Bellman&Symfon Calling System. This recognizes the bell sound and then lets me know that someone is at the door. This way I avoid missing parcels.
When I have appointments with people who cannot sign language, I have two options: sign language interpreter or speech-to-text app. It may happen that I do not have a sign language interpreter at my disposal, for example during busy periods, in which case I use this app. It can be done via my iPhone or iPad using the microphone, with the microphone speech can be understood loud and clear and therefore correctly converted into text. I then type back via my laptop or telephone.
Music is an important element in my life, because it brings out so much joy and pleasure. I can feel music thanks to Woojer Edge or Woojer Strap, which converts music tones into bass. Bass is a low tone that is very noticeable, so I can dance with it. In the future I hope to wear AR glasses so that I can follow information from the outside world via subtitles and visually recognize signals. So I see many possibilities in the field of technology. If you are curious about the many possibilities of AR glasses, please visit: https://artlabs.ai/blog/the-best-smart-glasses-and-ar-specs-of-2021/