Every inhabitant of The Hague has the right to live as healthy and happy a life as possible. The Healthy and Happy The Hague movement (GGDH) is therefore fully committed to this. This is necessary, because the differences in health and happiness between the various neighborhoods in The Hague are large. And if nothing happens, those differences will only get bigger.
Connecting the medical and social domain
The provision of care and welfare is currently done by many enthusiastic professionals whose tasks are strictly defined. This also applies to the financing flows. The care is partly funded by health insurers and partly by the national government and municipality. Welfare tasks are the responsibility of the municipality. GGDH believes that the medical and social domains should find each other. Especially since there is a close relationship between health and poverty. In addition, there are several successful citizens' initiatives that deserve to be set up more widely.
Healthy and Happy The Hague is therefore constantly on the move to connect the medical and social domains. Various organizations and citizens' initiatives have now joined GGDH. GGDH provides the mutual connection and facilitates the ability to work together. Everyone strives for the same goals: providing sustainable medical and social care, preventing health problems through early detection, controlling costs and ensuring sufficient and motivated care and welfare employees. We take positive health as a basis.