Handy and smart products can sometimes make your life a lot easier. In the new Especially lending shop you will get to know the possibilities of technological products. They support people with a physical, sensory, mental disability or chronic illness.
In the store you can test handy products on the spot. Does the product fit your situation? If you want, you can try the product at home for a few days.
Walking stick with standing aid
Innovative technological products are useful and smart tools that can make daily life at home easier and safer. For example, try the hand warmers, vibrating alarm clocks, magnetic USB, anti-vibration spoon, walking stick with stand-up aid and the arm support.
Aware of the possibilities
The Voorall lending shop opened in 2024 and focuses on people with disabilities. With the aids, they can live more independently at home. The lending shop at Voorall was made possible by the municipality of The Hague. The goal: to ensure greater awareness of the possibilities of technological products for people with disabilities.
Pop-up locations
The lending shop is open by appointment and can also be found at pop-up locations in the city in the coming period. In addition, Voorall organizes information sessions about the useful tools. These sessions are aimed at specific target groups, such as caregivers, people with Parkinson's or people with a hearing impairment. Participants in these theme meetings will also receive an explanation about the products of the lending shop.
Make an appointment and come by
Are you curious? Do you want to be inspired by the possibilities of the smart products? Make an appointment with Voorall: call 070 – 36 55 288 or send an e-mail to [email protected].