Tuesday, October 31 – opening of the IOC Elderly Home subsidy scheme round 2
The successful first subsidy scheme for Implementation and Upscaling Coaching for the Elderly at Home will be followed up. This subsidy scheme focuses on care innovations that make it possible for the elderly to live independently at home for longer. Round 2 opens on Tuesday September 12, 2023.
This grant allows applicants to hire an external implementation and scale-up coach. The coach gives advice on how to take the innovation further in the practice of elderly people living at home. One million euros is available in this funding round: a maximum of €10,000 per applicant, including any VAT, with a maximum term of 6 months.
Click here For more information.
Applications can be submitted from September 12, 2:00 PM to October 31, 2023, 2:00 PM. Applications will be processed in order of submission date on a 'first come, first served' basis. If the budget is reached before the final deadline, the call will close prematurely.