NeLL is an independent knowledge platform that offers various services for the development, implementation and upscaling of eHealth solutions. NeLL is the Dutch division of the World eHealth Living Lab (WeLL). Within WeLL, NeLL works together with a large number of national and international companies. In addition, we have a close connection with universities all over the world. Operating from an (inter)national academic institution gives NeLL unique access to care, knowledge, and an (inter)national network of partners. In principle, NeLL does not claim intellectual property of eHealth products and therefore has the independent position to scientifically validate eHealth products.
The role of eHealth
We believe that eHealth plays an important role in making care and health models more sustainable. eHealth encompasses a multitude of applications; from digital food diaries for diabetes to artificial intelligence in intensive care. We therefore often speak of digital healthcare applications. These digital healthcare applications play a major role in tomorrow's healthcare, but will only be successful if they are integrated into regular healthcare. It is necessary to know what works and what doesn't.