Do you suffer from walking disorders due to parkinsonism? Do you sometimes feel stuck to the ground or do you lose control with increasingly faster steps? Participate in the step certainty study and get your freedom of movement back!
For this research you will receive a free Cue2walk (worth 795 euros) and 1 month of guidance. With this device you will experience walking disturbances less often, for a shorter period of time and less intensely. This will improve your walking quality and give you more confidence to move.
Participation is free. There is a limited number of devices available so be quick: full = full.
What is expected of me?
You use the Cue2walk for 1 month. During that period, a supervisor of the study will come by twice for a gait measurement. You will also fill in a number of questionnaires. In addition, you will have telephone contact with the supervisor for support.
When can I participate?
You live in the municipality of The Hague and would like help with walking disorders due to Parkinson's disease (ism).
How can I participate?
Fill in the questionnaire to see if you are suitable to participate in the study. You can also email to [email protected] or call Cue2walk: 070 701 33 97.